My Friend Genevieve
A sequel to Art Club. Marguerite is the straight man, and Genevieve is her unhinged weeaboo friend. “My Friend Genevieve” is a short story that was intended for the Tokyopop Rising Stars contest, but I never finished coloring the pages in. I lost interest, and by this time it was pretty well-known that Tokyopop treated their talent like garbage, so meh.

Marguerite and Genevieve Destroy Japan

“Marg and Gen Destroy Japan” was supposed to be a series following our heroines as Japanese exchange students. Again, Marguerite is a nice, normal person, and Geneveive is insane. Both girls end up crushing on Ken-chan, their host brother. Ken likes Marguerite back, but of course Genevieve will have none of this. Meanwhile, their insane otaku neighbor likes Marguerite, but both girls think he’s a freak.
Chapter 1: Genevieve tries to catfish her way into a trip to Japan

I guess this is chapter 2? I only made it three pages in.

Chapter 3. Marguerite gets some alone time with Ken while Genevieve goes to Takeshi’s house. One page was inked (badly) in Photoshop for some reason.

Chapter 4 Marguerite and Genevieve visit the public baths. Mercifully unfinished.

Chapter 5: Marguerite, Genevieve, Ken, and Takeshi attend an anime convention. Done on yellow legal paper to make your eyes bleed even more.

Some one-off gags and other art: