These comics have gone by a bunch of different names, but the nickname “emo comics” seems to have stuck. These are just autobiographical comics I’ve been making off and on since 2005. Some are serious, some are silly. Some of them are about me as a toddler, some of them are about being a parent, but most of them fall somewhere in between. Basically I am extremely awkward and incapable of being happy, but maybe my dumb misfortunes and insecurities will make you chuckle.
Print Copies!
These will available on my Etsy shortly, but if you would like print copies, I would love to send you stuff for free or as part of a swap. Just send me an email with your mailing address.

Hearts & Stars #1
Back in ye olden days of 2007, I was persuaded to shop my comics around to publishers by a guy I liked, and I went through with it because I’m a big simp. I received a very nice rejection letter from one publisher, and no response from the others. The rejection letter suggested I self-publish, and that is the origin of Hearts & Stars #1. The only problem is that I was too shy at the time to actually distribute this thing, so here we are eighteen years later, finally putting this thing out there. 24 pages.
Contents: Handwriting, Memorial Day, Nyquil, and more!
Hearts & Stars #2 (cover art coming soon!)
Comics from 2023 and 2024! Art is a little rusty in spots as I am drawing on the regular for the first time in years, but it’s never been good lol. 28 pages. Awkward crushes, social awkwardness, food poisoning, etc.
Contents: Hay Ride, ACAB, The Third Wheel, Hong Kong Buffet
Hearts & Stars #3
Coming soon! More material from 2023 onward.
Contents include: Chambersurg Mall, Ski Club, Junk
Some old stuff that still holds up, I guess

Thesis Comics
I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing in 2008. My thesis project was a collection of personal essays, half of them done in comic form. I was the first person at my school to make comics as part of the writing program (though two of my classmates did write comic book scripts), and I wound up being far from the last, as my school now offers a graphic novel writing course. Kind of cool.
Anyway, you can click below to read each story:
Roller Skates: A cheesy children’s novel set in the 1890s spurs me to become a librarian.
Senior Pictures: Trials and tribulations of an ugly teenager sitting for their senior pictures, ha ha.
Confirmation: My experience as someone who attended Catholic school, but didn’t really buy into organized religion.
The Mall: About my obsession with old shopping malls.
Shorties: Single-page comics and false starts that didn’t make the final cut. My Laura Ingalls Wilder costume, getting day drunk at the beach with my dad, etc.

Just My Size: A Brassierography
A three-page essay about how much it sucks to have big boobs, ha ha. This one was written for the zine Knicker Draw back in 2007.

A whole bunch of single-page comics. The page formatting on Webtoon doesn’t really work for this material, so I’m reproducing them here, too. I made a ton of these, but many of them are too embarrassing to put here.