
In reverse chronological order~~

Art Club 2024

Overqualified (2016-2017)

(various doomed attempts at new stories that were quickly abandoned in the early 2010s, lol)

Art Club 2009

Thesis Comics (2008)

Marguerite and Genevieve Destroy Japan (2007)
Sequel to My Friend Genevieve

My Friend Genevieve (2007)
Sequel to Art Club

Lexie/Lila Stuff (2007-2008)
Indirect sequel to the Alex stories

Art Club 2006

Minicomics (2005-2006)

Art Club 2005

Alex Stories (2005-2007?)
Sequels to Art Club

Emo Comics (2005-present)

Art Club 2004
Indirect sequel to Pathetic Aesthetic

Pathetic Aesthetic (1999~2004)

Cool Kids (1996~2003)