I will probably return to these characters some day~
Susan Kaczynski is almost 30. She’s naive, idealistic, and a total luddite. She went to school to be a librarian and worked as one for a little while, but has to start all over when she is laid off and replaced by a volunteer who will do her job for free. She moves across the state to room with Dawn and Cliff, and she gets a job working in a call center.
Dawn Tomasiello was Susan’s roommate in library school, and now they’re roommates again. Dawn is super cynical and calls Susan “Pollyanna”. She has purple hair, she’s a vegan, she’s a socialist, she’s perpetually angry, and she works at the hospital, where she mops blood from the floors in the operating room.
Cliff Atkins is Dawn’s boyfriend. They’ve been together off and on since high school. Cliff works at a Home Depot-type store while also working on a psychology degree. He is far more sane and grounded than Dawn.
Clay Atkins is Cliff’s twin brother, who Susan meets later on. They sort of hit it off, but both of them have personal issues that make pursuing a relationship not so straightforward. Clay has an MBA but lives with his parents and earns a living stocking grocery shelves.