OG Art Club

Abandon all hope ye who enter here. ๐Ÿ˜›

Written under the influence of a bunch of cheesy shoujo manga. Includes bad art, bad writing, bad characterization, weird plot holes, and other impossibilities. I used the pages of Art Club to experiment with art styles, page layouts, and methods of coloring and shading. None of it looks particularly good.

I made the story of the original up as I went, and once I reached the big โ€œtwistโ€ of the story, I didnโ€™t know where to take it, so the remaining chapters see the characters going to the prom and graduating. ๐Ÿ˜›

Most of the original is posted below.

Chapter 1: Deanna moves, meets Doug

Chapter 2: Deanna meets Alex, Doug asks her out

Chapter 3: The club holds its first formal meeting, Deanna learns Doug is estranged from his family.

Chapter 4: Deanna asks Alex what happened between Doug and his parents, then asks him on a date.

Chapter 5: The club attends a football game. Only half of the chapter is here because the next page features Deanna cracking a joke at Alex’s expense and it’s kinda gross. The rest of this chapter involves Doug getting into a fight with some random douchey guys, and then later he steals a kiss from her.

Chapter 6: Deanna’s dad fills in for the art teacher, gives the club a drawing lesson.

Chapter 7: The mural project begins.

Chapter 8: Deanna tries to comfort a grieving Doug, and things get out of hand~

Chapter 9: Genevieve joins the club, Deanna breaks a tooth.

Chapter 10 Deanna and Doug cook dinner together, Doug asks Deanna to the prom. This is probably the best chapter, but nothing really happens.

Chapter 11: Oh, the less said about chapter 11, the better. This is where Deanna learns that Alex and Doug were once a couple. Basically, Deanna walks in on Alex trying to put the moves on Doug in the art room. Doug explains, that, yeah, they used to date but that’s over now and she takes it all remarkably well. I dunno, the whole thing is awkward, and all that I have scans of are the last three pages.

Chapter 12: The infamous prom chapter. This one might actually be worse than the previous, but here it is in all its cringey glory.

Chapter 13: This is…almost good? Doug’s mother has not yet realized her final form as evil incarnate, but she still sucks.

Chapter 14: It’s over! I hate the ending! Though, really, I guess I should just be proud of myself for actually finising something.